How Can Blockchain Technology Be Used In Railway Industry?
What will be the answer if anyone asks which is the most interlinked, complicated and high risk involved industry?
Obviously, the Railway Industry.
The entire network has been tied up with villages, cities, states, and countries, with a huge dynamic database. Without the 24 hours of monitoring and governance, it is impossible to avoid security issues, accidents, wrong signals, passenger insecurity, and a lot. So, a single small wrong information can cause huge damage to the entire network.
You may say “The current railway system seems to be more efficient and we are not facing any problems as a common man”. But, the reality is there are a lot of issues and those issues are not transparent to the public but are creating high-level complexity to the railway control systems.
So, to make this entire system more dynamic, Blockchain implementation in the railway ensures the current safe blocks upkeeped by the conventional railway frameworks.
Those safe blocks are.
- Preventing collisions while a train stops unexpectedly, or derails.
- Emergency Braking while red signal received or the operator does not react
- Detecting the train decomposition and continuously varying speed.
- While implementing blockchain, it is very important to ensure whether the current AI — Supported decision making along with the train side, lineside IT components have not been affected
Read More >> Blockchain In Railway